What is the purpose of your film magazine?

The purpose is to create a magazine that is different and stands out to others.The purpose of my magazine is to explore more the theatrical and creative side of the film industry in an appealing and exciting way for my target audience.

The magazine falls mainly under the entertainment and information genre however also explores EXPERIMENTAL FILM which is,

“a mode of filmmaking that rigorously re-evaluates cinematic conventions and explores non-narrative forms and alternatives to traditional narratives or methods of working”

There are few magazines that profile and review this type of Film and university student productions so as well as reviewing mainstream films, I want to have a section for this so that film, arts and media students from GCSE to Masters level can explore opportunities and be inspired by each other’s work as well as gain insights from the professionals. There will also be a section for film courses and job opportunities for those who want to go further.

Who are the target audience?

My target audience is for young adults ranging for ages 16-25, but specifically those who have a creative interest or outlook within the film industry and want to know more. The reason why I have decided to portray my magazine in this way is because for young adults the trend is something creative and ‘out there’, so I want to create a magazine that is really edgy as well as informative for them.

What platform is it intended for?

This magazine is designed for the print platform. Because it presents very artistic and creative imagery, the print platform gives me more control over the quality of the images and content rather than rely on the quality or size of a screen. I want my magazine to be full gloss and be the same size and feel as Vogue, containing about 60 pages. Although the magazine won’t have a full digital version, I will have a website to support sales and content for example film trailers of films we have covered. Also I will use social media to advertise the magazine as it allows me to target certain psychographics and, as my target audience are young, they are more likely to see it.




Title of Magazine:

First I brain stormed my ideas:

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These kind of words caught my eye because I wanted something that linked to the idea of film, but also different and intriguing because to call a Magazine something like ‘Film’ is a bit boring and not different. I also didn’t want it to be long, but short and snappy making it easy for the audience to read.

Blur–  Meaning, ‘make or become unclear or less distinct’. I liked it because I could use that word as a contradiction or paradox of what the magazine actually means, using the magazines to create clarity and show distinction. Another reason I liked this as a title because it’s a word you can create to look interesting and with it being for a young adult this word can seem really intriguing and attractive.

Climax– means,  ‘The most intense, exciting, or important point of something; the culmination’. I liked this because it correlates to films and defines as the most exciting bit, relating something exciting towards my Magazine. I also liked this one because in every film their is the climax which means the peak of the movie, most exciting intense thing to watch and by calling my magazine this it means that it entise people into thinking its something exciting and a must read.

Another one I came up with, which I didn’t put on my brainstorm:

Vue: Which is French for view or sight

I liked this because it was something short but effective and relating to film being something you want to film.


Sub-Heading: FILM MAGAZINE: It shows the simple explanation of the magazine that it is a film magazine, because it is clearly stated

HEADLINE: “EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH MOLLY HARRIS”: Something that will attract the audience, knowing that they’ll only get that interview within this magazine.

Cover lines:

NETFLIX ORIGINALS/The new blockbuster?: Relating to a younger target audience because Netflix is very much the attraction at the moment

PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER IS THE NEW SCI-FI?/producer Lucia Felici and Doctor Beth-anne Andrews discuss this: Linking to the type of theme I’m looking for, showing creativity and depth, and then using famous names to make it more intriguing and interesting

LALA LAND/is it the number 1 musical? Again linking to my theme or arts and musicals

AVENGERS:ENDGAME/Marvel causes emotion for their fans: Welcoming a broader audience, however having that depth within my theme still

ALADIN/Naomi Scott as Jasmine: Using an popular movie and stating the main character to cause an intrigue on my audience.

COVER IMAGES: These are all images I’ve either captured myself or modelled for.





Blue because its an eye-catching but also calming colour, to immediately invite my audience.

It’s 2D because I’m keeping the title simplistic so its easy to read, but by having that bright colour added makes it attractive.

Modern text

The two dots above the U makes it look like a smiley face and also could be a German ‘umlaut’ which could attract a European audience.

Smooth edges  making it look pleasing and soft to the eye

The way I created this was by using the website: then transferring it onto photoshop so I could then change the colour, size etc…



Keeping the blue as a body, so its still very eye-catching, and appealing to look at.

Black and white are also good colours to use, making it easy to read.

Modern text to attract younger audience.

Splitting the word into two colours allows the word ‘max’ to stand out which can also communicate maximum, the best the ultimate magazine.

Another variation from this logo is by taking out the blue and making it transparent however this doesn’t make Max as visible.

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Having these colours means that I can use a wider pallet of colour on the rest of the cover because black and white match well with all colours.

I created this again by using and then on photoshop experimented with both colour and the shape tool to create this


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Using the colours black and white means that it can stand out against whatever cover image you want to use, this will fit in with it

Also adding that black block background shows something clean cut and professional and not having it go through the V, to add more character and makes my magazine title more attractive.

This time I used one of the fonts from photoshop called ‘Impact’ and then for the sub-heading for ‘Film magazine’ used ‘Myriad Pro’.

Cover copies:

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Layering the heading and a cover image to see how it looked


I tried layering up some images to see is I could make action movie cover for my magazine

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Photoshopping a gun over the top of the plastic one making it look like a movie

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Using these components such as black and white in order for them to blend in with one another





Here is a full mock up of a front cover that I tried out with the title blur and then using a deep red colour scheme that framed and complimented my  film style and the protagonist lips being red creating a correlation.

This is how I layered the cover graphically.


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Here is another cover mock up that I experimented with using another Masthead and a dark yet bright and vivid colour palette

How I created it:


article copies:

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This one is to link to the VUE magazine keeping with the colour scheme. I used pages to create this.

Article headline- is the word Hallucination, making it the most eye-catching and larger font

Sub-Heading-underneath putting it in a smaller font however putting the text in all block capitals to show its importance


These are all the images I used for my article, the main one being cut out and then the others I used to show more insight to the movie, portraying bits from the scene


Using the shape tool on photoshop to create triangles and making them Hue in order for them to contrast with the images underneath, showing a correlation between the the cover.

How I created it:

How I created the movie title:

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This one links to the Blur mock up I did, painting vintage and colour theme.

The article headline- is the name of my created movie ‘MISS WEST’ created on photoshop using a common font and then adding a shadow effect to make it stand out.


The main graphics have been used in the left corner overlaying one of the images with a old tv, suggesting the time zone, but also making it attractive for the audience.


Both of these photos I’ve photoshopped to make them to make them look attractive and fit the ongoing vintage theme.



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I decided I liked this mock up idea most, because I think it relates to my target audience the most and shows my technical skills at a high level.









I decided  to edit further to produce a completed version of this cover:


Then for the article I will be using this one:


On pages I added more article content, adding information about the movie and then an interview with the protagonist of the movie.

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Click to see it in a bigger size:



I want to make sure that I have considered the codes and conventions for, in particular, film Magazines. I’ve referenced Films clearly on the cover, the main cover line is relating to a film I’ve created. The article is linked to the cover and contains an article with an the main actor referencing the film.




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TEXT:  I used the text tool on Adobe Photoshop to get all the text I’ve created:

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Using Adobe Photoshop and the shape tool:

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I used this website if Adobe Photoshop didn’t have a font that was suitable for the look I wanted to create.


I used my own primary content for all of the visuals.


As a basis for my article I used this website for an interview and adapted it:


It is plagiarism if you copy or steal someone else content therefore I needed to write and adapt my own original content for my magazine. The are also copyright laws on certain designs and brands Therefore it was important that I chaecked my designs with copyright to make sure I was not using the same design or brand as another magazine.  For the text I made sure to use a font website that provided free fonts for the public to use and then for the reference source I made sure to adapt it and make it my own.



I have made my cover and article available for Print meaning that it needs to work for a PDF:

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Using this on Adobe photoshop enables me to edit the quality to the specification I would like it to be.


I made sure that I wrote long passages of text in ‘Microsoft Word’ so I can easily edit it and see any errors created in typing, then copy and paste it into my article:

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In order to make sure my spelling and grammar is clear I used a website called ‘Grammerly’ which help check my grammar in more detail:

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I performed all my Importing, scaling, and correcting on Adobe Photoshop:

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I also used Photoshop to make sure I had the correct file format and size:

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In order to make sure the quality of my images is high, I make sure that the main photo is taken on a good quality Cannon camera, and the ones taken on the iPhone remain smaller in size on the page to avoid pixelated images And blurring.


I made sure that I left a margin border around the the article. This is not only to frame it artistically but the make sure it remained inside the printable area doesn’t bleed over:

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To make sure it all exports fine quality and that its readably, I exported them both into PDFs which will be the final print format.


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I believe I’ve achieved a creative and intriguing magazine in the genre of Film. I think this because its very colourful and eye catching, yet you can see the contrast with the Black background, which shows the serious side of this magazine production. The use of colour in contrast to black is also used on the article pages.


Using technical components and structure, shows clearly that it is a magazine and makes it easy and attractive for the viewers to read.  I made the technical decision on the cover to structure everything around the main image, because I wanted that to be the central focus and then for the article I made the technical decision to place the columns in the middle and the photos on the out side because I feel that would be structured nicely within print version.


You can clearly see that this magazine is made for people who are interested in films and want to gain information on actors, producers and directors. The colour palette suits the young target audience as well as the use of a young protagonist on the cover.  By using more formal text and a lot of the titles. The audience are drawn toward a magazine that is very informative and full of credible content to help them learn.  As well as this the cover lines promote articles that have deeper meaning than just popular light hearted approaches to film information. This adds an appeal to students in the creative or film industry as well as young adults who are interesting in films and film making.


I think I have created an effective Magazine cover and article because I have contained all the components needed and also included a barcode and price making it a believeable Magazine. An area I feel I could improve on is….